EPC Process Safety Campaign

For over 130 years the EPC Groupe has been a global leader in industrial and civil explosives. Their activities span production, logistics, storage, demolition and mining on multiple continents. With a diverse range of employees, both linguistically and operationally, EPC came to Atelier for help launching a strategically important new safety campaign. The aim was to cement their stance and policies on the importance of process safety across all their activities with an easy-to-localise instantly-recognisable worldwide campaign. As an element in long-term plans for internal coaching and professional development, evergreen appeal was essential. We’re proud to say that this serious and important task was entrusted to our multinational team of native speakers and seasoned designers. 
EPC Groupe
Extractive industry
Brand identity
Digital and printable assets

Campaign identity

A serious subject with a hard-hitting image
To start with there was nothing. EPC had a brand identity, brief, core messages and ambitions but no campaign identity or content. Through brainstorming, visual and linguistic research and different iterations we defined the essence of the campaign and arrived at a name, logotype and tagline. Many elements were highly symbolic, carefully chosen to convey the serious implications of safety but also the positive role of individual involvement and responsibility. For example, the domino effect in the logotype is a visual reminder of the consequences of lapses in process safety. While respecting EPC’s own brand book, we channelled our creativity into the IMPACT brand book. The result? A strong striking identity to be used worldwide and well into the future.

Promotional animation

Providing the context to connect with the campaign
Connecting with both new and existing employees, in 6 languages, regardless of their job description and engaging them in process safety could be considered a tricky task. Video is an amazing medium though for delivering core messages in a consistent way to a wide audience. The aim was to make the campaign personally relevant to all employees by highlighting the drivers of the campaign and introducing its elements in a way that made participation easy. At over 2 minutes the 2D vector style used dedicated illustrations and in addition to delivering core messages helped build visual familiarity with the campaign's elements, colours and identity. And yes it was localised into all 6 languages!

Campaign assets

Icons, templates and printables to keep the campaign alive
With remote locations, employees from diverse backgrounds and varying access to digital resources, a range of additional materials were needed. Flyers and posters were created in a professional format and one suitable for a domestic or office printer. As the campaign embodies EPC’s commitment to employee safety, embedding it visually in workplace culture helps reinforce core messages, and instantly recognisable assets keep safety front of mind, all the time. Internal training materials for ongoing professional development are also a vital part of this. We worked to weave the campaign identity in flexible elements reflecting the context, use and principles of process safety in the field of industrial explosives. An extensive PPT presentation template and bespoke range of vector illustrations and icons will help to keep the campaign alive in offices and meetings all over the world.  
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